The Engineer's Office

1. Coordinator:

The Honarary Coordinator is appointed by the Hon. Vice-Chancellor to coordinate and monitor the Civil, Electrical, Maintenance and other Engineering works of the University.

2. University Engineer:

The Engineering department shall consist of the Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering sections. The University Engineer shall be responsible for the proper working and discipline of the Engineering Department. The clerical and other establishment including the inferior staff shall work under the direct control and direction of the Engineer. He shall be responsible for the routine correspondence relating to the Department. It shall be the duty of the University Engineer to see that the University buildings, roads etc., are kept in proper condition. All Engineering construction works are executed in fully satisfactory manner and that all items of expenditure are well scrutinized before submission to the Registrar. The University Engineer, shall assure himself before incurring any expenditure that sanction/for the scheme and where necessary for incurring of the expenditure has been obtained. The Engineer shall maintain a complete survey plan of the campus, a file of the plans off all buildings in the University, plans of water works, and drainage works and plans of all buildings and other schemes prepared for consideration of the Executive Council. He shall run his office with the assistance of the subordinate officers and staff (both technical and administrative).

3. Executive Engineer:

They are two Executive Engineers.  Out of them, one Executive Engineer shall look after all the maintenance of Civil works of the University both residential and office buildings, besides repairs of roads, drains and retaining walls of the campus as well as water supply works with assistance of the Deputy Executive Engineers and Asst. Engineers under his control and the second Executive Engineer shall execute all Electrical works of the entire campus with the assistance of his two Asst. Engineers.

4. Deputy Executive Engineer:

There are four Deputy Executive Engineers. All they shall execute the works as follows:

  1. He shall be in-charge of drawings, designs and estimates and works at Srikakulam PG Center. He shall execute all his works with the help of two Asst. Engineers.

  2. He shall execute all the maintenance works of University Quarters, Ladies' Hostel and arrangements in the campus for all the occasions. He shall be assisted by three Asst. Engineers.

  3. He shall execute all the Water supply works in the entire campus with the assistance of two Asst. Engineers and a technical assistant. He also take care of the Steel stores with the assistance of one of the two Asst. Engineers.

  4. He shall execute all the Civil maintenance works of North campus in addition to the works at PG Center, Kakinada. He shall be assisted by three Asst. Engineers.

5. Assistant Executive & Assistant Engineers:

All the Asst. Executive Engineers and Asst. Engineers shall execute the works assigned to them by their respective Dy. Executive Engineer.  They shall prepare the plans and estimates for the works newly proposed from time to time. They shall execute the maintenance works of both residential and office buildings in the campus as well as in the P.G. Centres at Kakinada and Srikakulam.  All other lower field staff shall assist them in carrying every Civil work in the campus. The Asst. Engineers of electrical division shall take care of all Electrical works in the campus as well as in P.G. Centres at Kakinada and Srikakulam. The Asst. Engineers are the pivot of the works department.

Administrative Staff:

  1. Assistant Registrar: He shall administrate the office.  He shall be the liaison between the administrative and executive staff.  All the files and bills shall be routed through him, before they are placed for the approval of the University Engineer.

  2. Office Superintendent: He is the in charge of the Office and administrate the Office. All the files, bills etc., shall be proceed under his direct supervision. He shall be the controller over attendance of his office staff and shall initiate the disciplinary action as and when he feels it necessary. All the office staff shall work under his direction and supervision.

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